Saturday, June 10, 2006


pink is my new obsession
pink is not even a question
pink on the lips of your lover
coz PINK is the love you discover
PINK is gets me high as a kite
PINK its like red but not quite
and I think everything is going to be
alright no matter
What we do to-niiiiiiiiite

PINK is my favourite crayon
PINK as the sheets that we lay on

....yeah...rani ki kahani was staged yesterday...full happy coming!yippee happening!(maybe goin a lil kapooot...but who the hell cares...if goin kapoot feels like this!!!)...lights wow...sound wow...everything...full happy much happy comong...sentences disjointed happening...and scripting 'indian fairytale' fullto jooooy...yippeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(p.s:god bless 'an indian fairytale')
Monday, May 29, 2006

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pink psycho... ;)