Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Hair today...GONE tomorrow

...I got a new hairstyle today...walked into the parlour and said 'give me steps'...she said 'layers' would look sooo much better...and made me agree too...then I said don't make it too short...but obviously people's opinions on 'how much is too much'(even in the realm of 'shortness' and 'longness' of hair) differ and can be anthesises of each other...but you cant relly tell how much is being chopped off if its all pinned to the top of you head and gets snipped off in bits...and you cant look at the floor...coz then she'd prolly chop off the wrong i held my breath and let her work...and a good half hour of snipping later...the pins came off...and she sprayed me...(not just my hair...ME) with water and brought out her blow dryer...and i thought...whew...dont have to luk yet!...but nonononnono...i had to take a look at the length before it was 'set' i could actually grow it back if i wanted...and i peeped...first through one eye...then the other...and then both...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH...I looked like something a cat might cough out!...or rather my head looked like it...all my hair lying on the floor at the feet of the chair...PIRACY!!! Maybe she was involved in some racket that sold wigs(made from the hair of innocent sleepy post-internals engineering students) to balding middle aged men, you never know...but before i could voice my indignation she switched on the blow i plan to keep an eye on her for a few days now...inform hanumantappa from the local police station maybe...snip snip snip...i mean sniff sniff...somethings fishy...